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DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.15219/em99.1606
The article is in the printed version on pages 11-21.
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Sitnicki, M. W. Horbas, I., Derkach, O., & Rozbeiko, K. (2023). The impact of digitalisation on the development of e-learning. e-mentor, 2(99), 11-21. https://doi.org/10.15219/em99.1606
E-mentor number 2 (99) / 2023
Table of contents
About the authors
The impact of digitalisation on the development of e-learning
Maksym W. Sitnicki, Iryna Horbas, Oksana Derkach, Kyrylo Rozbeiko
This paper presents an overview of the latest developments in electronic learning and teaching methods and tools brought about by digital transformations aimed at making education more efficient and effective. A set of general and specific research methods was used to conduct the study, in particular bibliographical and descriptive, chronological, specification, analysis, systematisation and classification, observation, survey and expert interviews, abstraction, analogy and comparison, comparative, modelling, forecasting and argumentation, and logical generalisation. The authors describe their approach to structural organisation of the novel e-learning ecosystem and single out its key components, including technology, learning contexts, and learning outcomes, as well as a set of secondary external factors that determine the quality and effectiveness of education when digitalised. This paper explores characteristics and features of e-learning such as customisation, autonomy, and interactivity with a focus on micro-learning, and presents the findings of an analysis of the most popular open educational resources (OERs), massive open online courses (MOOCs), and online learning platforms, highlighting their major advantages and disadvantages.
Keywords: e-learning, learning ecosystem, digital competence, open educational resources, massive open online courses
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