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DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.15219/em95.1570

The article is in the printed version on pages 22-31.

How to cite

Chudak, T. (2022). Model glottodydaktyczny odwróconej klasy (flipped classroom) w warunkach szkoły językowej. e-mentor, 3(95), 22-31. https://doi.org/10.15219/em95.1570

E-mentor number 3 (95) / 2022

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Implementation of a flipped classroom SLA model in the conditions of a language school

Tomasz Chudak

Trends in management


This article attempts to present a flipped classroom (FC) model from a glottodidactic point of view in the context of a language school educational situation. The introduction to the article briefly explains the socio-economic context, the variable and dynamic nature that initiates and catalyses changes in both a formal and non-formal education system, and language schools belonging to the latter type. The first part of the article presents the FC phenomenon, its definition, features, as well as areas that directly influenced its evolution: constructivism and computer assisted language learning (CALL). Furthermore, it discusses the crucial consequence of the implementation of the FC model, i.e. changing the tasks of both the student and the teacher. The second part describes the implementation of a glottodidactic model developed by the educational and IT team in a particular language school, where it ultimatalely became the primary way of learning and teaching Spanish. It contains the following elements: presentation of the structure of glottodidactic materials available on an e-learning platform before meeting with a teacher, and the organisation of stationary lessons in relation to the traditional model commonly used in language schools. A proposal of the methodology of research on the described phenomenon is also presented. As a conclusion, it points out the positive effects of introducing the FC model into a language school, both from a didactic and economic perspective.

Keywords: flipped classroom, second language acquisition, language education, constructivism, CALL


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