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DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.15219/em91.1529

The article is in the printed version on pages 25-34.

How to cite

Bizon, W. (2021).Nudging w edukacji ekonomicznej. e-mentor, 4(91), 25-34. https://doi.org/10.15219/em91.1529

E-mentor number 4 (91) / 2021

Table of contents

About the author

Nudging in economics education

Wojciech Bizon

Trends in management


Traditional educational policy, drawing on pedagogical sciences, is based on teaching methods developed over the centuries, which are constantly assessed in terms of their current usefulness. So, is there anything else that can be done to improve the quality of education, including economics education? Due to certain features of the learners, not always acting rationally, it is justified to introduce several behavioral incentives (nudges). Their effectiveness has been previously positively verified outside of education. Then it can be assumed that the applied intervention will also be effective in teaching-focused activities. The power of such approaches lies in the fact that they are relatively cheap and, in principle, do not restrict the discretion of the interested parties. In other words, the methods used, with acceptable or no inconvenience for most people, force some of them to react in specific terms and induce to the desired type of procedure to achieve the expected goals. The article aims to introduce the idea of impact through the use of nudging in the context of broadly understood economics education and to demonstrate that their skillful use enables the improvement of the quality of teaching and the transfer of economic knowledge.

Keywords: nudging, nudge, education, economics education, behavioral economics


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