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DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.15219/em69.1297

The article is in the printed version on pages 60-69.

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E-mentor number 2 (69) / 2017

Table of contents

About the authors

Analysis of behavior of management in an international metallurgical company, using Cameron and Quinn typology

Radosław Wolniak, Agata Szeptuch, Grzegorz Zięcina

Trends in management


This paper presents the results of research of the behavior of executive management in an international metallurgical organization. The purpose of the publication is to check whether the organization is desirable for both groups (employees and managers) from the organizational culture point of view. We used the typology of culture organizing Cameron and Quinn in the research. It is assumed in the paper that from the point of view of the efforts made in recent years to improve work safety in the organization, the most conducive type of organizational culture, best suited to achieving the goals will be the culture of the clan. Diagnosis of managerial competencies in the researched enterprise was conducted on the basis of counting individual ratings granted by the respondents. Two research questions were posed in the publication: How is the assessment of the organizational culture in the researched company, from managers and employees point of view? and Do managers and staff differ in assessing their behavior and managerial competencies? The hypothesis H1 was also put forward as follows: H1 - The behavior of the managers in the research organization is characteristic for the culture of the clan.

On the basis of the evaluations conducted among the group of managers, we can say that the culture dominant in the studied enterprise is the clan culture, which confirmed H1 hypothesis.


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About the authors

Radosław Wolniak

Agata Szeptuch

Grzegorz Zięcina