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DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.15219/em105.1670

The article is in the printed version on pages 41-50.

How to cite

Glenc, P. (2024). Technologie informacyjno-komunikacyjne w procesach konsultacji społecznych. e-mentor, 3(105), 41-50. https://doi.org/10.15219/em105.1670

E-mentor number 3 (105) / 2024

Table of contents

About the author

Information and communication technologies in public consultation processes

Piotr Glenc

Trends in management


The concept of citizen participation, although not new, continues to be prominently emphasized in contemporary public management theories. One manifestation of citizen participation is involvement in public consultations, which is the focus of this article. The consultation processes evolve alongside the advancing digitalization of public administration. Consequently, many researchers strive to capture the potential of information and communication technologies (ICT) in enhancing public consultation processes and the related decision-making processes in administration.

The article presents the results of research aimed at identifying IT solutions that can be utilized in public consultation processes, at the stages of initiating a consultation and conducting the consultation itself. The research was conducted using secondary source analysis. The analyzed sources were resolutions outlining the principles and procedures for conducting public consultations with citizens, adopted in the municipalities of the Śląskie Voivodship, Poland (140 resolutions).

Eleven entities (or groups of entities) were identified that, according to the resolutions, have the right to initiate consultations. Most commonly, this right is granted to executive bodies, groups of residents, and municipal councils. Only in one municipality's resolution was the possibility of submitting such an initiative electronically mentioned. The most frequently used methods of conducting consultations, as indicated by the analyzed resolutions, are: surveys, open meetings with residents, and collecting written comments and opinions. 79% of the surveyed units declared the use of at least one method involving IT tools for conducting consultations. 11% of the units declared in their resolutions the implementation of a municipal platform dedicated to public consultations. Only one unit declared the use of a special mobile application for public consultations.

Keywords: local government administration, e-government, public consultations, citizen participation, information and communication technologies (ICT)


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