For authors

Guidelines for authors - ethics & publication malpractice statement

The papers that can be subjected to initial review may be scientific articles, reviews, reports from conferences as well as feuilletons concerning the issues of e-learning, lifelong learning, e-business, and knowledge management as well as discussing/referring to the subject area of methods, forms, and programs of teaching.

Submission deadline for issue 5/2024: 30 June, 2024 

The journal applies the principles of publication ethics in accordance with the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics.

The paper must not infringe the copyright of third parties – within the meaning of the Act of 4 February 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights (original text: Dz. U. 1994 r. Nr 24 poz. 83, consolidated text: Dz.U. z 2006 r. Nr 90 poz. 631). The texts must not be submitted simultaneously to any other journal or publisher.

There is no publication fee.

By submitting the text, the author gives his consent for any stylistic changes in case the text violates the norm of language and any indispensable alteration in the content layout (with the purpose of increasing the readability of the text). The author also agrees that the work can be used in two fields of exploitation (Internet and print) as well as it can be made available for other journals. Moreover, the author agrees that the information about the paper may be published in scientific databases, including ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index) which is a part of WoSCEJSH (The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities), CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Online Library), Index Copernicus, EuroPub and EBSCO.

By submitting the article the author also declares that there are no personal or financial relations (except mentioned in the submission form) between her/him and other persons or organizations (e.g. due to employment, consulting, ownership of shares, honorarium), that can influence the interpretation or presentation of her/his researches.

The editors make every effort to avoid such phenomena as ghostwriting and guest authorship or plagiarism, which are considered as scientific misconduct.

Ghostwriting occurs when somebody has had a significant degree of involvement in the production of finished work – but his or her contribution – as one of the authors – was not revealed or in case the role of this person was not mentioned in the acknowledgements appearing in the paper.

Guest authorship (honorary authorship) occurs where there is stated authorship or co-authorship in the absence of involvement (or in case of small contribution).

An anti-plagiarism system is used to check all the manuscripts submitted to e-mentor journal.

In the event of ghostwriting, guest authorship, or plagiarism in the papers submitted to e-mentor, the editors will report such cases to respective entities (for instance, the institutions employing authors, scientific associations, etc.).

The materials published in e-mentor are copyright protected. They may only be reprinted with the editors’ permission. The original version of the e-mentor journal is the online version.

The reviewing process

The procedure of the reviewing process is in accordance with the recommendations of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (described in ‘Good Practices in Reviewing Procedures in Science’ published in 2011).

The submitted manuscripts are subject to preliminary formal and content review (including thematic review). After the paper is evaluated as complying with the journal’s profile and fulfilling the requirements listed in the instruction for the authors, the chief editor appoints the reviewers who are specialists in a given field of knowledge that the paper is addressing.

The manuscript is reviewed in confidence and anonymously ("double-blind" reviewing procedure), which means that the author and the reviewer do not know each other.

In exceptional cases, when keeping the author’s identity in secret is not possible, the appointed reviewer cannot be in direct personal and business relationship and cannot have cooperated in scientific activity with the author in the course of the previous two years preceding the preparation of the review.

The reviewer prepares a written evaluation of the text in a proper form. The review consists of an unambiguous conclusion concerning the admission of the paper or its rejection or allowing a conditional acceptance for publication after introducing improvements suggested by the reviewer.

The author gets the information about the result of a reviewing process and introduces adequate changes if indicated. In the case of remarks the author does not agree with, he or she prepares an answer for the reviewer.

The editors take the final decision about the publication of the paper based on the analysis of the reviewer’s remarks and the quality of the final version provided by the author.

The manuscripts of a non-scientific character do not have to go through the reviewing process and are qualified for publication directly by the chief editor.

Preparing the text (the following template may be used)

First-person singular or plural verb forms ought to be avoided and replaced by the third person verb forms, for instance, instead of ‘in my opinion’ – ‘according to the author/authors.’

The paper should be preceded by an abstract 150-200 words long as well as a set of the corresponding keywords (min.  5). The instructions concerning the preparation of an abstract are presented below. The submission of an abstract and keywords is obligatory due to the indexing procedures.

The paper should have subheadings - no numbers should be used in them. The first level heading should be in bold font, whereas the heading of the second level ought to be in italics.

The paper should be accompanied by the author's bio (written in the third person) and by the photo, which should have the size of 6 cm x 4,5 cm (2,4" x 1,8") and the resolution of 300 dpi (minimal height: 700 pixels, minimal width: 530 pixels).

Technical requirements

All papers must be submitted in an electronic version. The accepted files formats are: *.doc, *.docx or *.rtf. The text should be in standard format A4 (of 35 to 40 thousand characters length, including spaces), using Times New Roman 12 p. font. Line spacing should always be 1.5 lines.

If possible, the illustrations, graphs, charts, and tables should be open for editing. They should be placed appropriately in the text. Submitting the source files of the graphics is highly advisable. All graphical materials have the caption Figure followed by the number. That caption (in bold font) is placed at the top of the figure.

At the bottom of the figure and the table, its source should be indicated. In the case of the author's original work, please use the form: author's own work/elaboration/research. Please remember that indicating the source of the graphics or data is compulsory.

See the sample caption of the table - the same rule applies to figures.

Table 1

The results of a survey


 Source: author's own work.

Reference list

Arrange entries in alphabetical order by surname of the first author. For more than one work by the same author, arrange in date order, earliest first. One‐author entries precede multiple‐author entries beginning with the same surname.

Every item from the reference list should have at least one corresponding in-text citation.

The references list includes bibliographical descriptions of the journal articles, books, and book chapters as well as the internet publications.

  • Book: 

Tapscott, D. (2009). Grown up digital: how the net generation is changing your world. McGraw-Hill.

  • Edited book:

Milerski, B., Śliwerski, B. (Eds.). (2000). Pedagogika. Leksykon PWN. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.

  • Book chapter:

Callon, M. (1987). Society in the making: The study of technology as a tool for sociological analysis. In W.E. Bijker, T.P. Hughes, T.J. Pinch (Eds.), The social construction of technological systems: New directions in the sociology and history of technology (pp. 83-103). MIT Press.

  • An electronic version of the print book:

Vaughan, N.D., Cleveland-Innes, M., & Garrison, D.R. (2013). Teaching in blended learning environments: Creating and sustaining communities of inquiry. [PDF version] Retrieved from

  • Online reference book or report:

International Labour Organization (ILO), (2015). Regional Model Competency Standards: core competencies. Retrieved from:

  • Government or another legal document

MNiSW – Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego (Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education), (2013).Szkolnictwo Wyższe w Polsce. Retrieved from:

Journals and other periodicals:

The general format for periodicals (items published on a regular basis, like newspapers, magazines, and journals):

Volume and issues - volume is italicized, issue - no italics

Author, A.A., Author, B.B., & Author, C.C. (year). Title of the article. Title of Periodicalvolume(issue), pp‐pp. DOI::xx.xxxxxxxxxx

Volume and no issue - volume italicized

Author, A.A., Author, B.B., & Author, C.C. (year). Title of the article. Title of Periodicalvolume, pp‐pp. DOI::xx.xxxxxxxxxx

  • DOI available

Kwiek, M. (2015). Intergenerational Social Mobility: Higher Education and Educational and Occupational Ladder in Poland. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe2(46), 183–213. DOI: 10.14746/nsw.2015.2.7

  • No DOI available – Include the journal’s homepage in the reference

Schuytema, P. (2007). The need for a dynamic rural web presence. Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs18(6). Retrieved from

  • Website:

When citing an entire website, and not a specific document from the site, you can simply include the address of the site: 

E-mentor. (2019). Retrieved from 

  • Web message/blog post/comment:

Appel H., (2018, December 31). 50 educational disruptors, Retrieved from

or if no data of publishing the website is available then put (n.d.) and the retrieval date:

Lasota, A. (n.d.). Rysunek dziecka. In Encyklopedia dzieciństwa. Retrieved September 1, 2018, from

Citing references in the text

Since 2018 we obey the rules of the APA style for listing and citing references in the e-mentor journal. In March 2020 we introduced the changes described in the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Some examples are given below, for more information please refer to the APA Publication Manual or the APA website

APA style uses an author‐date format for in‐text citations. Every reference cited in the text should be included in the reference list. 

If the author’s name is not part of the narrative, then both the author’s last name and the publication year is included in the parentheses.

Education prepares people for employment and, importantly, for meaningful lives (Nussbaum, 2010, p. 9).

If the author’s name is part of the narrative, then the publication year alone is included in parentheses. 

Following an explanation from Prahalad and Hamel (1990), one can say that “… a portfolio of core competencies means the company’s collective knowledge about how to coordinate diverse production skills and technologies” (p. 3).

If the citation refers to the range of pages use pp. to indicate that.

Importantly, this algorithmic way of thinking, which Futschek (2006, pp. 159-168) wrote about ...

If a work has two authors, then include both names every time the reference occurs in the text.

Nonaka and Toyoma (2003) propose the idea that …

If there are between three and five authors of a work, use all the authors’ names the first time you refer to the work. For any subsequent references, use the first author’s name followed by et al. (include a period after al.) and the publication year if it is the first citation of this work within a paragraph.

Mack, Behler, Roberts, and Rimland (2007) found that students …

Mack, et al. (2007) continues on to conclude that …

If the work has more than five authors, then use only the last name of the first author followed by et al. and the publication year. 


The author should provide an abstract, between 150 and 200 words long.
The abstract should briefly:

  • present the justification of the selection of the topic (background)
  • note the key topic or problem (aims – what has been studied, which theoretical/practical problem was in question)
  • state author’s main approach to solving the problem (the data, materials, perspective, methods, and techniques)
  • describe the results (the most important data, correlations)
  • present the conclusions from the research (the interpretations, theses, implications).

The abstract, similarly to the article, should be written in the third person. It should not contain references to the literature nor abbreviations, which would be expanded only in the article. The abstract should not repeat nor paraphrase the article’s title. It should be followed by the keywords (at least 5 words or phrases).

It should be taken into consideration that many databases gather only the articles’ titles and abstracts, therefore for some readers, the abstract will be the main source of information about the article’s content and/or about the conducted research. An imprecise or unreliable abstract, which does not reflect the article’s content in a detailed and comprehensible way, decreases the chance to reach a greater audience.


Authors must provide at least five keywords (individual words or phrases), separated by a colon. The keywords should not be too general (for instance, economy, management, globalization, e-learning). The list may include proper names. It is worth to remember that keywords are part of the metadata stored in bibliographical databases - the more precise they are, the easier your paper would be identified.

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We publish:

  • scientific articles
  • reviews
  • reports from conferences

Guidelines for authors

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