Information about the journal issue
- published:
- 30th December 2014
- online edition:
- ISSN 1731-7428
- printed edition:
- ISSN 1731-6758
All academic articles in this journal are peer-reviewed.
E-mentor no 5 (57) / 2014
Chief editor
Marcin Dąbrowski
Methods, forms and programs of curriculum
Congress of Development in Education - the gathering of the academic community
Marcin Dąbrowski, Jerzy M. Mischke, Dorota Piotrowska, Maria Zając, Wojciech Zieliński
Tutoring as alternative method of working with talented students
Aneta Baranowska
E-learning in Poland
FUNcube - the e-learningfrom the space
Daniel Korzan
The effectiveness of the acquisition of specialist vocabulary in English as a foreign language - the comparison of two didactic procedures based on complementary teaching
Elżbieta Danuta Lesiak-Bielawska
E-learning in public and private universities: the perspective of business students
Marcin Komańda
E-learning in the way of changes
Olga Pawłowska, Marcin Pawełczak
Knowledge management
The analysis of the Fog Index of the texts used in the evaluation reports of the strategic research programmes in the area of technical innovations
Ludmiła Łopacińska, Urszula Wnuk
Knowledge management in virtual teams
Jacek Miroński
Communities of practitioners in administration of the judicature - a modern model of judiciary staff professional development
Przemysław Banasik
Do the adaptive methods of business processes management allow for achieving competitive advantage?
Bartosz Marcinkowski, Bartłomiej Gawin
E-learning worldwide
„Careful with that axe, Eugene”
Vlad Wielbut