Where the sciences of management and quality might be heading

Wojciech Czakon


The field of management and quality have been progressing in the past decade at a pace and level of quality deserving recognition. The collective mobilization of researchers, educators, and practitioners has successfully addressed a sustained demand for professional managers. External factors, in the form of long-term trends, seem to foster the continued advancement of this discipline. However, there are also periodic and significant challenges related to socio-cultural, technological, and geopolitical transformations that demand careful attention. Additionally, unintended and ambiguous consequences of the management and quality field call for consideration. This study outlines contextual factors, coupled with key propositions important for the field: reconnecting academia with their audience; diversifying behavioral patterns relative to publications, funding and careers; developing meaningful research methods; engaging with grand societal challenges; and fostering collaboration among sub-disciplines.

Keywords: management and quality research, grand challenges, methodology, artificial intelligence, pressures


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Wojciech Czakon

About the article

The article is in the printed version on pages 5-11.

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How to cite

Czakon, W. (2023). Dokąd zmierzają nauki o zarządzaniu i jakości? e-mentor, 3(100), 5-11.