Informacje o numerze
- Data wydania:
- 31 października 2022
- Wersja online:
- ISSN 1731-7428
- Wersja drukowana:
- ISSN 1731-6758
Artykuły naukowe zawarte w niniejszym czasopiśmie są recenzowane.
E-mentor nr 4 (96) / 2022
From the Editor
Małgorzata Marchewka
ICT in education
Comparison of the effectiveness and efficiency of various forms of distance learning – an experimental study
Przemysław Kusztelak, Anna Pacholak
Factors determining satisfaction with e-learning during the pandemic in the opinion of Polish and Spanish students: analysis of differences and similarities
Renata Marciniak, Grażyna Rembielak
Trends in management
Corporate social responsibility and project management: towards a better understanding of their relationship
Piotr Sliż, Magdalena Popowska, Julia Jarzyński
An evaluation of reverse mentoring: A case study of research assistants and advisors
Samet Özdemir, Kadir Ardıç
External and global, or internal and local? Which main factors shape the organisational culture of shared service centres of transnational corporations in Poland?
Maria Niewierko
Teaching methods and programs
Developing innovation competences in schools. A practical perspective
Jan Fazlagić, Mirosława Kaczmarek, Cornelia Connolly
Dynamics of integration of process drama in EFL classrooms: A holistic approach of activity based pedagogy
Sohaib Alam, Basem Okleh Salameh Al-Hawamdeh