Informacje o numerze
- Data wydania:
- Styczeń 2020
- Wersja online:
- ISSN 1731-7428
- Wersja drukowana:
- ISSN 1731-6758
Artykuły naukowe zawarte w niniejszym czasopiśmie są recenzowane.
E-mentor nr 5 (82) / 2019
From the Editor
Maria Zając
Teaching methods and programs
Developing Scientific Work Practice in Business Informatics – Digital Support for Design Science-based Research Projects
Christian Stary
Four B-learning Models in Children’s Speech-language Therapy
Joanna Jatkowska
The Role of Student Editorial Practice in Journalism Degree Programs
Agnieszka Szlachta
Born to Code. An Interview with Olivier Crouzet from School 42 in Paris
Maria Zając, Olivier Crouzet
ICT in education
Planner-Doer – Self-control and Regular Study
Katarzyna Bentkowska
Elo Rating Algorithm for the Purpose of Measuring Task Difficulty in Online Learning Environments
Maciej Pankiewicz, Marcin Bator
Trends in management
Transforming 21st-century Leader Competencies by Developing Mindfulness
Bogna Gąsiorowska, Paweł Gąsiorowski