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From the Editor

Dear „e-mentor” readers,

I am delighted to share with you the newest collection of diversified papers illustrating the impact of new technologies on business and education. It is worth pointing out that in this issue we not only present the national perspective, but also that of various countries represented by our authors.

The part dedicated to readers primarily interested in pedagogy begins with an interview with Charles Dziuban - conducted by the former editor of "e-mentor" Maria Zając - analysing the role of adaptive learning as a means of decreasing inequity and improving the quality of education. The discussion on new trends is continued with an article regarding the impact of digitalisation on the development of e-learning. Readers can also find out about muted or silent videos as a tool for creative language learning and the relationship of teachers' sense of efficacy and their organisational commitment.

There are new trends in business and management related to the implementation of Artificial Intelligence, and in this issue readers may learn more about AI and its agenda for management sciences. Other current trends are still related to the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, with an interesting example coming from the automotive industry and referring to the business model transformation. The focus on new technologies does not exclude the interest in people and their wellbeing. In this context the PERMA model is discussed and - in another article - individuals' choices regarding tourism. Finally, two other issues are presented: the analysis of key productivity factors in one of the most innovative sectors - in drug discovery and development projects, and a discussion about the relation between companies' profit and the economic value added they deliver.

As mentioned before, in this issue we have a diversity of topics, as well as authors representing different backgrounds. The strategy of internationalisation supported by the Ministry of Education and Science (Poland) with granted funds (RCN/SP/0361/2021/1) has led to cooperation between "e-mentor" and the foreign organisers of scientific conferences.

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Spośród artykułów w języku polskim terminowo zgłoszonych do numeru piątego (tj. do 5 września 2023 roku), Redakcja wyłoni jeden, który zostanie przetłumaczony na język angielski i opublikowany w anglojęzycznym wydaniu 2/2024. Pod uwagę będą brane oceny Recenzentów, oryginalność tematu i atrakcyjność dla Czytelników zagranicznych. Autorów zainteresowanych udziałem w konkursie, prosimy o stosowną informację w polu "Uwagi" w formularzu zgłoszeniowym. Zachęcamy do zgłaszania swoich pracy!

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„Działania na rzecz zwiększenia rozpoznawalności czasopisma „e-mentor” w międzynarodowym środowisku naukowym” – projekt finansowany na podstawie umowy nr RCN/SP/0361/2021/1 ze środków Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki przyznanych w ramach programu „Rozwój czasopism naukowych” w wysokości 54 tysięcy złotych.


Polecamy w nim szczególnie:

Charles Dziuban, Maria Zając, Interview: Adaptive learning as a means of decreasing inequity and improving the quality of education

Professor Charles Dziuban from the University of Central Florida, US, shares his expertise in adaptive learning and describes the conditions of its adoption in conversation with Maria Zając.
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Artur Wilczyński, Ewa Kołoszycz, Applying the PERMA model in employee wellbeing

The aim of this study is to define the essence of wellbeing in employee management, and present the functionality of the PERMA model in positive psychology. The first part of the study describes the multidimensionality of the concept of wellbeing and the difficulties in defining it. An important element of the conducted analysis is the presentation of the positive effects of the implementation of wellbeing in organisations, including elements of wellbeing dimensions and activities affecting wellbeing, while the most important part of the article is the diagnosis of the applicability of the PERMA model in the study of employee wellbeing and positive education. Different elements of the model are described and the latest solutions with regards to its improvement are presented. An analysis of the literature showed that a model with four additional dimensions - physical health, mindset, work environment and economic security - may be the most useful for analysing employee wellbeing.
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Magdalena Marciniak, Key productivity factors in drug discovery and development projects

The field of health care is an important element of the economic and social life of every country in the world combining demographic, economic and epidemiological, ethical and social challenges. Spending on the development of new therapies has been increasing over the past two decades, and the amount of drugs approved by regulatory agencies has remained stable. Literature does not provide adequate knowledge about the reasons of the productivity drop that impacts the competitive advantage of the companies taking part in the project’s race to the market (Schuhmacher et al., 2022), and it therefore seems crucial to analyse the factors determining high productivity of the pharmaceutical industry to adjust further actions ensuring the highest quality of health care systems, focusing on the wellbeing of the patient and the development of increasingly safer medicines. To address this need the author performed systematic literature review followed by structured interviews with 14 experts working globally in the field of drug development.
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